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Action is a function that emits events. It may have a callback or be empty. Actions are useful for triggering scenarios or controlling async flows.

Empty action visual diagram

Action visual diagram

Return value

Action returns a promise which is resolved after callback is finished and all event listeners got notified. If action callback returns a value, promise is resolved with that value.


  • config - resolved config
  • events - record of AwaiEvent events


  • invoked - emits ActionInvokedEvent when action is called
  • fulfilled - emits ActionFulfilledEvent when action is finished successfully
  • rejected - emits ActionRejectedEvent when callback throws or returns a rejected promise

Example action
const increment = action(() => counter.set(current => current + 1));

setTimeout(increment, 100);


console.log(`incremented after 100ms`);

Empty actions

Actions may be empty. When that's the case, they only emit invoked event.

Using empty actions to control scenarios
const increment = action();

scenario(, () => {
counter.set(current => current + 1);

Empty actions can still receive arguments which will be available in event payloads. If you use TypeScript, you can specify arguments types:

Passing arguments to an empty action in order to have better control over scenario
const createTask = action<[title: string, description: string]>();

scenario(, (event) => {
const [title, description] = event.arguments;
// handle task creation

createTask('Task title', 'Task description');



type ActionInvokedEvent<Args> = {
arguments: Args;
config: Config;

type ActionFulfilledEvent<Args, Return> = {
arguments: Args;
config: Config;
result: Return;

type ActionRejectedEvent<Args> = {
arguments: Args;
config: Config;
error: unknown;